Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Loves the Legos!

Gift from Nana.

Oooh a book!

Help from mom!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Big boy bed....

Sully has climbed out of his crib one too many times...and today he got hurt! So we decided to make his convertible crib into a toddler bed. Only it turns out it goes right from a crib to a full sized bed! So instead of buying a full sized mattress and box spring and all new bedding, we just got this little toddler bed...Here he is, Christmas Eve, asleep in his bed for the first time! ACK!

Reading in bed...

First nap! We had to change the room around a few times to get the perfect set up.

Friday, December 21, 2007

The petting zoo...

"Is it really OK if I touch it?"

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sullivan and Santa Claus!

He wasn't scared, but he sure did NOT want to sit still! Shocking, isn't it?

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Wee Man is sick...

He is on the mend now...But, it all started on Thursday night (we got home Tuesday night) with a fever that we had under control with medication. By Saturday all Sully could do was lay on me and sleep - he would not even eat. It spiked to over 105 Saturday night so we went to urgent care. They said he had an ear infection. By Monday morning the fever was again over 105 after 2 days of vomiting and a lot of mucous. Poor baby! The screening nurse wanted him in the ER!

So, we get him in there and his fever was DOWN to 105 (rectally, he loved that...). They ran and got cool water and cloths and we sponged him down to cool him off. They said we were lucky he did not have a febrile seizure. They said he was obviously working something else besides an ear infection through his system and wanted to do some tests. So they gave him an IV with antibiotics to jump start the healing of the ear infection and whatever else may be wrong. They gave him the IV (which he promptly ripped out so they had to reinsert it) and took blood and gave him fluids as well.

Then it was time for the chest x-ray. Because one has to remain still for an x-ray, the machine they use for a toddler is like some Medieval torture device! It is a plastic case that the baby is placed in and it holds him still while someone holds his arms straight up in the air, then it rotates. Alan did the work with this one but I heard the screams all through the halls, it was awful! Sully did have a chance to show off his super human strength to the x-ray tech, though...

In the end, the x-ray showed no fluid in his lungs and the bloodwork came back fine - just some NASTY virus running through his system. Poor baby. He is finally eating again, almost normally.

Here is the poor babe with his IV waiting to get his chest x-ray.

And now, off to the Fitzgerald's!

Sully with Grandpa Fitzgerald.

Sully and Grandpa with Barbara in the background.

Alan, Grandpa and Sully - three generations of Fitzgerald men!

Grandpa, Sully, Alan and Great Grandpa Beepa - FOUR generations of Fitzgerald's!

Sully and Beepa laughing it up!

Sully cruising around Nin's house in his robe...

And now off to visit Nin and Dee!

Nin is Alan's mom and Dee is her husband. Both are names that Makayla gave them as a baby and they just stuck!

Fun with Uncle Zack!

Alan, Sully, cousin Aden and Aunt Shannon.

Sully, cousin Aden and cousin Makayla.

Mom and Sully playing with birthday gifts.

More Sully, Aden and Makayla.

Alan, Sully, Austin in the baby carrier, Makayla and Aden on Nin's lap and Nana in the background!

Aden giving Austin a kiss.

Having a grand old time with Dee!

Party day!

Nana pushing Sully and Kyle around in a bucket...

Aunt Devon and cousin Kyle.

Balloon fun!

Cassie in her party gear.

Sully and cousin Ian had a great time together!

Aunt Regan with cousin Anya and Sully

Mmmm cake!

Two man band!

Cousins playing together...

Happy boys after a nice nap! Cassie napped too, of course...

Getting clean after a day of fun!

Day two...Sully loved playing with Aunt Devon and all the cool toys that Kyle has!

Working hard on something here!

Visiting the Boston Millers!

Some photos from the first day we were there..first meeting, first breakfast and first lunch for the cousins. Sully seems to want whatever it is that Kyle has!

More pictures here, here and here.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

What a difference a year makes!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Sully got shots today...

FOUR! You should have seen the look he gave the nurse - it was like daggers shooting from his eyes! Sort of like "How dare you prick me!" By the fourth shot, he did cry. But she gave him a sticker and he was over it. He also got weighed and measured - 32.75 inches and 23 lbs. 2 oz. And in perfect health, of course!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Opening presents!

First Birthday cupcakes!

Sullivan is ONE!

We are having a party in a few weeks back east in Massachusetts but we wanted to at least have a little something today! Alan played "Happy Birthday" on his guitar while we sang to him! Some pictures...

Opening presents with Dad.

Playing with new toys.

Alright, so I'm not Betty Crocker!
