Sunday, April 29, 2007

Two teeth!

Sully has a shiner...

Well, not quite - but the poor guy was in PAIN! And Alan said "Good thing it was on your watch, not mine!"

Saturday, April 28, 2007


With his favorite "toy", an old remote control!

Here are some funny pics...

Sully took a nap and it appears as though he fell asleep on his hand! You can even see little nail marks on his face!

Tooth two came in today!

Found this picture I took yesterday where you can SORT of see tooth number one...I will work on getting a picture of them BOTH as soon as possible!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Sully had his 6 month check up!

He is in perfect health!! He weighs 18 lbs, 8 oz which is the 70th percentile. He is 29.75 inches long which is off the charts for height! Lucky - we got a tall kid!

He also did really well with his shots. Cried for less than 5 seconds, and then he was all smiles!

We also go the go ahead to start table foods! Anything we can make small and anything soft! Tofu, egg yolks, yogurt, cottage cheese, mashed beans...Sounds fun!

OH - and Sully got his first tooth a few days ago! Bottom left - it is soooo cute! But extremely difficult to get a picture of! Working on that...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

More photos from the weekend!

Out to breakfast! Sully had apples...

Uncle Michael and his nephew Sullivan (niece, Emma!).

Mike playing Guitar Hero...

Sully thinks Erin is sooooo funny!

A trip to the Wild Animal Park! We had to dip Sully in sunblock so we decided to style him with a "faux hawk"! Sully and Alan look soooo tough - check out the twin furrowed brows!

And here I am, acting like a fool in some fake animal den...Some little kid said "look, a dinosaur!" Hello??? I am not that old!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Uncle Michael and his girlfriend Erin are visiting!

We went to the "World Famous" San Diego Zoo today and Sully was perfect all day - we had a great time!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Baby Grand!

Starting him on music early!!! Hopefully he will have some musical talent, like his dad (not like me!)!!

Sully has a new "lovey"!

My mom's friend Christie hand knit this cute bunny/blankey!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sully can now sit at the table with us!

This special gadget straps the little guy in while we enjoy our meal!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Fun with the mesh feeder!

Sully tried a Granny Smith apple in his mesh feeder. Perfect, since everything he touches these days goes right into his mouth anyhow! He loved it!