It went great! I have heard many say they did not need a full bladder so I drank on the way to the Dr...not nearly as much as they said. As soon as she got in there she said my bladder was empty! Whoops! But it was fine - she showed me my empty bladder which was full by the end and said the only measurement that mattered for was when measuring my cervix.
He looked good on all accounts - ten fingers and ten toes, four chambers of the heart, yada yada yada...She could not get a good profile pic for the Dr. because his hand was always by his face so she actually spoke with the Dr before I left to make sure it was sufficient. That was cool because the Dr. looked at all of it and said there were no issues at all - no waiting to hear that!
The heartbeat was 138 and he weighs 11 ounces and is measuring EXACTLY to his due date. Sully always measured like two weeks ahead! I was thinking this kid would be bigger gut is stretchier and seems roomier but who knows. hahaha...Here he is!