Friday, April 27, 2007

Sully had his 6 month check up!

He is in perfect health!! He weighs 18 lbs, 8 oz which is the 70th percentile. He is 29.75 inches long which is off the charts for height! Lucky - we got a tall kid!

He also did really well with his shots. Cried for less than 5 seconds, and then he was all smiles!

We also go the go ahead to start table foods! Anything we can make small and anything soft! Tofu, egg yolks, yogurt, cottage cheese, mashed beans...Sounds fun!

OH - and Sully got his first tooth a few days ago! Bottom left - it is soooo cute! But extremely difficult to get a picture of! Working on that...


Anonymous said...

Yay Sully! Tall is good!!!

Devon Miller said...

Of course he's in perfect health, he's perfect!